BigBrotherFanon Wiki

This is Atelda1001's first fanon


  •  Power of Veto: Any houseguest can have the chance to win the Power of Veto. A power in which any person can veto only one of the HoH's nominee. Forcing the Head of Household to replace the vetoed nominee on the block.



Game History

Week 1

13 Players entered the Big Brother house with one goal in mind. To win the million dollar prize and be the last houseguest standing.  At the first HoH of the season, a classic endurance competition. Nathan came out on victorious and won the first HoH of the season.

Starting off, Patrick and Stu went up to the HoH room and started making an alliance with Nathan. And they instantly set up a target in mind Vanessa. Although Nathan was very hesitant to put up a strong player he called up Vanessa to the HoH room and told her that he was putting her up as a pawn. Vanessa then tells Nathan that if he puts her up she will lose all her trust in him and will have every reason to put him up next week if she wins. Nathan feeling very threatened about this, Nathan tells his alliance and they all agree that they cannot nominate her first but have a plan to backdoor her. So they decide to put up 2 pawns, Topaz and Monica.

Vanessa and Laura have bonded a little bit and decided to make a small two female alliance with each other.

Caylin has bonded with Hoenn and Andrew and has created a small three person friendship with them.


At the Nomination Ceremony, Nathan turns the keys and nominates Monica and Topaz. "I just haven't talked to y'all and I don't know where your head is up, but remember Power of Veto is up for grabs goodluck". Topaz immediately goes up to talk to Nathan and promises him that if he wins Veto and saves her, shes in her debt. 

At the veto picking, Nathan picks Vanessa, Topaz picks Stu, and Monica picks Zack. Nathan chooses Hoenn as the Power of Veto host.

Topaz goes up to the HoH room and decides to talk to Nathan. Nathan then tells Topaz about the plan to backdoor Vanessa but only says it was Patrick and Stus idea and that he wasn't sure if he was going to do it. Seeing this as an opening, Topaz goes down and tells Vanessa of the plan. Vanessa is very confused and finds it funny that she is being targeted. Vanessa then swears to save Topaz if she wins the Power of Veto.

At the Veto competition in which house guests have to find letters in a soup bowl, and Vanessa came out victorious. Nathan, seeing that Vanessa has won the Power of Veto, decides to go talk to Vanessa and see who she is going to save. Vanessa tells Nathan that she is going to save Topaz, and that Nathan needs to target Patrick as he is spreading rumors and talks too much. Seeing this as a good opportunity, Nathan decides to talk to a few people in the house, un-including Patrick. Nathan talks to Caylin who says that she doesn't really mind who is up. As long as it's not her, and she will have his back next week. Laura tells Nathan that Patrick is sketchy and has rubbed people the wrong way. With everyone in the house seemingly against Patrick, Nathan decides that is the best thing to do.

 Pre-Veto Nominee  
 Post-Veto Nominee 

At the Power of Veto ceremony, Vanessa explains that Topaz has been nothing but nice to her and that she is tired of snakes talking about her in the house. So Vanessa decides to save Topaz from eviction and use the Power of Veto on her. Nathan then says that some house guests have come up to him and said this house guests name. Nathan also explains that being the first HoH is hard and you have to listen to what the majority of the house says. As a result of this, Nathan puts up Patrick to replace Topaz.

After the Power of Veto compeition, Patrick was mad and deicded to talk to Nathan. Nathan told Patrick that it was Vanessa that rallied up the troops and got other people to vouch for her. Forcing him to make a decision against the house or go with the house. He explains that him being the first HoH, he couldn't go against the house. However, Nathan says that he will help Patrick as long as Patrick begins campaigning against Monica. Patrick begins to talk to Andrew and explains to him the situation, Andrew agrees with him and says that the best possible thing is to get Monica out and target Vanessa next week. Andrew immediately talks to Hoenn and Caylin and explains to them what is going on and that they need to save Patrick and target Vanessa. Caylin, who has no idea that Laura is close with Vanessa, explains to Laura the plan what is going on. Laura fakely agrees with it but goes straight to Monica and Topaz and tells them. Vanessa tells Monica to lay low and be acting nice and friendly to everyone while Topaz and Vanessa will campaign. Topaz approaches Keith and talks to him and gets Keith on his side to save Monica. Vanessa approaches Emma who has lay low this week and tells Emma of this plan and the alliance of Nathan, Patrick, and Stu. Emma agrees and tells Vanessa that she is close to Zack and will talk to Zack. Emma talks to Zack and he is on board, but he is lying as he has talked to Patrick already.

2 hours before the eviction, Vanessa is sure it is 5-5 and Monica will go home until Patrick makes a comment about Hoenn's hair and how Hoenn looks like a lesbian. Seeing this opportunity, Vanessa goes to Hoenn and tells her which makes Hoenn upset. Hoenn tells Caylin crying and Caylin says the Patrick is toxic in this house is going to vote out Patrick. This causes a chain-reaction in which everyone sees how Patrick is toxic.

1 vote
9 votes

At the eviction ceremony, Patrick apologizes for any comments he has made, while Monica says she loved her time in the house. When the vote is revealed, Patrick is evicted by a vote 9-1 with only having Stu's vote. At the eviction interview, Patrick says that he wishes that he closed his mouth and does not hold anything against any of the House guests. With the Head of Household now being up for grabs, house guests were tested on their ablities to empathetically think like other house guests. They were playing a game of majority and if they were not in the majority they would be eliminated from the competition.

Q1: "Who do the houseguests think eats the most in the house." for Caylin or B for Zack

Everyone except for Hoenn and Keith put B. Eliminating Hoenn and Keith

Q2: "Who do the houseguests think is secretly not who they say they are?." for Vanessa or for Stu

Zack, Monica and Andrew put A for Vanessa, while everyone but B for Stu. Eliminating Zack, Monica, and Andrew

Q3: "Who do the houseguests think is the biggest threat so far?" A for Nathan or for Vanessa

Everyone except Laura says for Vanessa, eliminating Laura.

Q4: "Who do the houseguests think had the most lovers in the past?" A for Laura or for Zack

Caylin, Topaz and Emma choose B for Zack. Eliminating Stu and Vanessa.

Q5: "Who do the houseguests think is going to change the most by the end of season?" for Hoenn or for Andrew

Caylin and Emma choose A for Hoenn. Eliminating Topaz from the compeition.

Now for the tiebreaker question! "How many minutes did the HoH competition last?" Caylin and Emma are seen choosing writing their answers down on the whiteboard. Emma shows her whiteboard and writes 162, while Caylin writes 146 minutes. The correct answer is......... 158 Minutes giving Caylin the HoH win!


Week 2

Previously On Big Brother....! 13 houseguests entered the Big Brother competition with one goal in mind: To be the last one standing. It seemed like everyone else in the house was making small friend groups and factions. After Nathans HoH win he quickly talked to the guys and found a main target, Vanessa. After Topaz and Monica on the block as pawns, the plan seemed in motion. After Nathan chose Vanessa to play in Power of Veto competition, he quickly told Topaz the actual plan to backdoor Vanessa but throws the blame on Patrick and Stu. Seeing this an opportunity to make an alliance, Topaz tells Vanessa the plan who vows to use the Power of Veto on Topaz. At the Power of Veto competition, Vanessa shockingly comes out and wins the first Power of Veto of the season. Vanessa then goes up to Nathan and tells him she's using it on Topaz. Seeing this as a failed plan, Nathan turns his back on Patrick and replaces Patrick on the block. It seemed that Patrick was staying and Monica was going home when a last minute plan switched up the entire house. Sending Patrick home in a 9-1 vote, with having Stu's sole vote. At the Head of Household competiton, houseguests were tested on how well they know eachother in which Caylin became victorious. Who will Caylin nominate for eviction? And will any fights emerge this week? SEE IT ALL ON BIG BROOOTHER!


After the Head of Household Competition Caylin, Andrew, and Hoenn all go in the pantry room and begin to dance and jump around. All of them are excited about Caylin winning Head of Household. All 3 of them decide right then and there that they will all go to the Final 3 together. Solitifying an alliance and calling themselves the The Silent 3. Seeing this as an opportunity, Vanessa deicdes to confront Stu about his plan to backdoor her. Chaos erupts in the Big Brother house as Vanessa is calling out Stu on his lies, to which Caylin comes out of the bathroom and witnesses the whole thing. Seeing himself as a lone person in the house, Stu decides to go talk to Caylin in one of the bedrooms and tells her that someone is lying to Vanessa. Stu confides in Caylin and tells him that his gameplan was to lay low so it wouldn't make any sense for him to already gun for Vanessa. Caylin understands him and promises to talk to Vanessa and get to the bottom of this. Caylin asks to speak to Vanessa on the hammock and she explains to Caylin that it was Topaz who told her that Nathan told Topaz it was Patrick and Stus idea. Caylin nods and says that it is just a game of telephone and Stu got caught lying. Vanessa agrees with her and explains to her that it was really all Stu as Nathan had nothing to do with it. Seeing nominations are coming in close, Caylin asks Vanessa who she would put up and who she would target. Vanessa tells her she would put up Hoenn because Hoenn is nice and no one would dare evict her, and then put up Stu as the intended target. Caylin nods and thanks her as she walks away to talk to other people.
